July 4, 2022

How Does Effective Resource Planning Impact Your Project?


Resource planning is the process of organizing and managing the resources that are needed to complete a project. This includes people, equipment, materials, and money. All these resources are essential in ensuring that any of your projects are completed on time and within budget. 

However, your resources can be misused during the project's life cycle, leading to cost and schedule overruns. Therefore, it is crucial to have an effective resource planning strategy in place to avoid these issues. Every item available should be carefully considered, and its feasibility for the project should be analysed before being allocated.

It is also important to clearly understand your project objectives, as this will help you determine which resources are needed and how much of each resource is required. Without this information, creating an effective resource plan would not be easy. 

Effective resource planning will impact your business in the following ways:

  1. Track Capacity And Availability Of Resources

When working on a project, you must ensure that you have enough resources to work on the project tasks. Each project phase should have enough budget allocated and all the required equipment, labour, and other resources. You also need to know your resources' availability and capacity to determine if they can work on the project tasks. 

With an effective resource planning strategy in place, you can track capacity and availability of your on-site resources and those expected to be delivered. For example, if a particular resource is unavailable when needed, you can check the delivery schedule and make changes to ensure that the project is completed on time. This will ensure that the project does not stall when working on it, or you don't set unreasonable deadlines to make up for the lost time.

  1. Efficiently Manage Resources And Costs

You must manage your resources efficiently to complete a project on time and within budget. You need to know how much a particular project will cost, how many people to hire to complete the project within the specified period, and the number of materials needed. To efficiently manage your resources and complete projects on time and within budget, having a good daily planner is key. It helps you schedule tasks, assign shifts to workers, and keep track of materials.

For instance, an effective jira resource planning strategy will help you manage your resources efficiently and avoid cost overruns. For example, if you know that a project requires ten workers for two hours, you can plan to have them work shifts to complete the project on time. This will also help you save on costs as you will not need additional workers. 

Additionally, it will help you plan for emergencies, such as workers getting sick or quitting or materials breaking when working on the project. An effective resource plan can quickly find replacement workers or materials, so the project is not delayed.

  1. Improved Quality Of Work

The quality of your work is directly dependent on how you manage your resources. If you do not have the right tools or materials, completing the project tasks assigned to you would be challenging.

Additionally, the same is true if you do not have enough people working on the project. This is because the project tasks would not be completed on time, and there would be a lot of pressure on the workers to complete the project. This can lead to mistakes, which will impact the quality of work.

When you plan your team well, you can avoid issues such as burnout, double scheduling, and other problems that can affect your team's performance and eventually impact the quality of work. You will clearly understand who is working on which task and when they will be available. This will help you avoid mistakes and ensure that the project is completed as desired.

  1. Optimize The Use Of Resources

It is important to optimize the use of your resources to ensure that they are used efficiently and effectively. You need to determine how best to utilize your resources so that they can be used for other projects or tasks. When you optimize your resources, it will help you save on costs and time. 

For example, if you have a team of workers who are not being utilized effectively, you can assign them to other tasks that need to be completed.  It will help you optimize the use of your resources and ensure that they are used efficiently. Additionally, it will help you avoid having idle resources that are not contributing to the project and channel the money into resources that will effectively complete the project as expected. 

Optimizing the use of resources involves the right tools, such as a project management tool. However, not all project management tools are the same. For instance, some are good for short-term planning involving extensive task management.  

For instance, software like Jira can help project managers create projects, assign tasks, and set project deadlines. This project management tool can work very well for separate projects and can provide in-depth insights into the operations in question. You can check out this Jira resource planning guide to learn more. 

However, when it comes to long-term and comprehensive resource management, Jira isn’t the best tool as it has only basic features. But you can integrate other tools, such as Primetric, with Jira to create a powerful project management tool. This solution lets you import all the necessary data from Jira in real-time. In that way, you can create up-to-date and accurate resource plans for any operations.

  1. Timely Delivery Of Projects

An effective resource planning strategy will help ensure that your projects are delivered on time. You will clearly understand your resources and those you need to complete the project. Therefore, you can purchase everything you need and schedule the workers accordingly so the project is completed on time.  

Completing projects on time has other benefits, such as client satisfaction, improved job satisfaction, and worker retention in your company. For example, when you complete a project on time, the client will be happy with your work and may give you more projects in the future. Additionally, your employees will be satisfied with their job as they can complete their tasks as expected. This will help reduce turnover in your company as workers feel appreciated and valued. 

  1. Effectively Monitor Progress

When you have an effective resource plan, you can monitor the progress of your project and ensure that it is on track, working with a clear understanding of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. You also spare enough time to ensure the resources are used as expected and the objectives are followed as expected. Additionally, you can identify any issues that may arise so they can be quickly resolved. This can go a long way in helping you be on top of the project and make more informed decisions to ensure your project’s progress stays consistent.

Essentially, when you monitor your project, you can avoid delays and other mistakes. The overall outcome of the project will then be as expected and as defined during the planning phase. And for more accurate status reporting and monitoring, choose one that can analyze issue sources such as projects, filters, and boards to create a plan and monitor the relationship of different teams and their project contributions. 


Resource planning is a critical component of any project as it can impact its outcome. By having an effective resource plan, you can improve work quality, optimize resource use, and ensure that projects are completed on time. All of these factors will contribute to the success of your project and help you meet your goals.

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