December 23, 2021

13 Best Strategies For Small Business Lead Generation

If you're running a small business, then generating leads is likely one of your top priorities. You need to get people in the door and generate interest in what you have to offer. But, how do you do that? This blog post we will talk aIf you're running a small business, then generating leads is likely one of your top priorities. You need to get people in the door and generate interest in what you have to offer. But, how do you do that? This blog post we will talk about some small business lead generation strategies - ones that can be applied today! About some small business lead generation strategies - ones that can be applied today!


Small businesses often struggle to generate leads for their company. These days, it can be hard for a small business to stand out and attract the attention of potential customers in a sea of competition online. 

But there are small business lead generation strategies that can be used in order to take control of their marketing and generate more leads for their company!

In this blog post we will go over some tips on how you can increase your lead generation efforts as a small business owner.

What Is Small Business Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process of identifying and qualifying potential customers for a product or service. It can be done in a number of ways, including online marketing, trade shows, and cold calls.

The goal of lead generation is to create a database of potential customers that you can contact later on to sell your product or service. This requires creating attractive content and offers that persuade people to provide their contact information.

Once you have a list of potential customers, you need to qualify them to see if they are a good fit for your product or service. This can be done by asking them questions about their needs and what they are looking for.

How To Generate leads?

The first step of lead generation is to set your objectives and goals. You need to know exactly what you are trying to accomplish with your lead generation campaign before you start.

For example, if you are trying to generate leads for an online advertising campaign, then you will want to focus on calls-to-action that encourage people to click on ads or sign up for a newsletter. 

If you are selling something that requires face-to-face interaction, then your call-to-action should tell people where they can find a store near them or how they can schedule a free consultation.

Figuring out what your objectives and goals are requires doing some market research and competitor analysis before starting with lead generation campaigns.

In the early stages of lead generation, you will want to focus on creating awareness. This means marketing your product or service in a way that lets people know it exists without focusing too much on selling it. 

If you try to sell your product or service before the public is ready to buy, then they won't be interested and you'll have wasted time and resources.

Creating awareness for your brand also requires that you create compelling content that people are willing to share with their friends and social networks. 

You might not even need a paid advertising campaign if your content is good enough. Make sure that you're having fun with the creative process instead of acting like it's a chore!

Best Strategies For Small Business Lead Generation

Now that you have a general understanding of what lead generation is, let’s take a closer look at some specific strategies you can use to generate leads for your business.

1. Create an incentive-based referral system- One of the best ways to generate leads is by incentivizing your current customers to refer new customers to your business. 

You can do this by offering them a discount or other reward for every new customer they refer. This strategy can be especially effective if you have a loyal customer base who are happy with your products or services.

2. Broadcast advertising to your niche audience- Another great way to generate leads is by broadcasting advertising to your niche audience. can be done through TV, radio, and other forms of advertisement. 

Often, this type of advertising can be very expensive and if your business doesn’t have a large budget it may not be worth the expense. 

However, if you do decide to go with broadcast ads make sure to target an audience that fits in with your company’s branding otherwise the advertisements may not work as well. If you think this is the case, you might want to consider display ad networks.

When considering advertising options, display ad networks offer targeted marketing by leveraging user data to reach specific demographics, potentially increasing engagement and conversion rates. These networks provide detailed analytics for optimizing ad performance and allow for customizable ads with rich media to enhance engagement.

However, they may require a higher investment compared to broadcast ads. Choosing between broadcast and display ads should be based on your sales and marketing goals, budget, and audience characteristics to create the most effective advertising strategy.

3. Take a new approach to direct mail- Though many people don’t think about direct mail when they are looking for ways to generate leads, that does not mean that this strategy is outdated or no longer effective. 

Direct mail marketing allows you to target specific customers by sending letters or postcards directly to their mailbox which makes them much more personal than traditional advertisements. 

Additionally, you can track how many of the recipients open and act on your mailings which allows you to fine-tune your marketing strategy over time. Incorporate QR codes that lead to specific landing pages, videos, or special offers. This can make the mail interactive and trackable.

You can also use dedicated phone numbers and unique URLs to track the responses from each direct mail campaign. Utilize data analysis tools to segment your mailing lists based on demographics, past purchase behavior, and customer preferences. This ensures your messages are personalized and relevant.

4. Optimize your website and use CTAs- If you want to generate leads online, then it is essential that your website is optimized for lead generation. This means including clear and concise calls to action (CTAs) throughout your website so that visitors know exactly what you want them to do. 

It also means ensuring that your website is easy to navigate and that the content is well written and relevant to your target audience.

Here are some CTA examples:

"Get a Free Quote Now": This prompts visitors to receive a customized quote, which can help capture leads looking for specific service estimates.

"Subscribe & Save": Encourages visitors to sign up for subscription services or recurring orders, securing ongoing customer engagement.

"Book Your Free Initial Consultation": A no-commitment offer that can draw in potential clients who are evaluating their options.

5. Rethink deals and discounts- Though offering deals and discounts is often a great way to attract new customers, this strategy can actually backfire when you're trying to generate leads. 

If your deals and discounts are too attractive it may divert customers away from your company’s website and towards a deal site where they can get a better bargain. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t offer deals or discounts at all - what you should do instead is make them less appealing or less frequent.

6. Learn search engine optimization (SEO)- When people think of lead generation strategies, SEO isn't usually one of the first things that comes to mind, however, this marketing technique has been proven to be effective time and time again. 

7. Create and publish top-notch content- Quality content is essential for any website, but it is especially important when you are trying to generate leads. 

By publishing high-quality content on your website, you can not only attract new customers but also show them that your company is an expert in its field. Additionally, by including social media sharing buttons on your content, you can help it go viral and reach a larger audience.

8. Get creative with social media- While quality content is important, you also need to be active on social media if you want to generate leads. 

This means using tactics like influencer marketing, creating interactive quizzes, and running contests. Additionally, make sure to use social media to drive traffic back to your website.

9. Begin a business newsletter- One great way to generate leads is by starting a business newsletter. This can be done in-house or you can outsource it to a company that specializes in email marketing. 

By sending regular newsletters to your customers, you can keep them updated on your latest products and services, as well as upcoming events and promotions.

10. Create downloadable assets- Another great way to generate leads is by creating downloadable assets like whitepapers, eBooks, or case studies. 

This gives potential customers a chance to learn more about your company and its products or services without having to leave their computer. Additionally, you can track how many people download your assets and use that information to target future marketing campaigns.

11. Provide an assessment or report- One of the best ways to show potential customers that you are an expert in your field is by providing them with an assessment or report. This could be a free report that you offer on your website or a more detailed, paid assessment. 

Either way, providing this type of information will help you stand out from the competition and demonstrate the value of working with your company.

12. Hold unique events or seminars- If you want to generate leads offline, then one of the best things you can do is hold unique events or seminars. This gives potential customers a chance to learn more about your company and its products or services in a more intimate setting.

13. Add a live chat feature to your website- Live chat is one of the most effective ways for generating leads from your website and it can be done at little to no cost. 

By including this feature on your site, you will be able to engage with visitors and help them solve any problems or concerns they may have without having to go through customer support or rely on outdated FAQ pages.

Picture from Adoric

8 Best Small Business Lead Generation Tools

Picture from trustradius

1. Lead411- Lead411 is a great tool for small business lead generation. It offers a comprehensive database of business contacts, which makes it easy to find potential customers. 

Additionally, Lead411 provides powerful lead management tools that make it easy to track and follow-up with leads.

Picture from Wikipedia

2. Salesforce- Salesforce is a popular CRM software that helps small businesses manage their sales pipeline and track customer interactions. It offers a wide range of features, including lead capture and tracking, contact management, opportunity tracking, and more.

Picture from agency perform partners

3. HubSpot Sales- HubSpot Sales is a free CRM tool that helps small businesses manage their sales pipeline and track customer interactions.

It offers a wide range of features, including lead capture and tracking, contact management, opportunity tracking, email marketing, and more.

Picture from G2

4. MixMax- Mixmax is a popular CRM tool that helps small businesses manage their sales pipeline and track customer interactions. 

It offers a wide range of features, including lead capture and tracking, contact management, opportunity tracking, email marketing, scheduling meetings with calendar integration , automated email follow-ups , easily create proposals from your inbox , it also provides an option to log calls directly from the app as well as view profiles of potential leads before reaching out to them . 

Moreover , Mixmax has a Chrome extension that makes it easy for users to communicate with anyone on LinkedIn without leaving their . It also enables users to see who has opened their emails and clicked on links within them.

Picture from MBEMAG

5. LinkedIn Sales Navigator- LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a paid CRM tool that helps small businesses manage their sales pipeline and track customer interactions. 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator also has a Chrome extension that makes it easy for users to communicate with anyone on LinkedIn without leaving their browser . Additionally , it enables users to see who has opened their emails and clicked on links within them.

Picture from agency perform partners

6. HubSpot Marketing- HubSpot Marketing is a popular marketing and SEO tool that helps small businesses manage their website and onl  ine presence. 

It offers a wide range of features , including lead capture and tracking, website analytics, social media management, email marketing, content creation tools, landing pages , embedded forms, search engine optimization (SEO) tools . Additionally , HubSpot's platform has an easy to use interface that makes it ideal for beginners.

Picture from dribbble

7. Zoho CRM- Zoho CRM is an online CRM tool that helps small businesses manage their sales pipeline and track customer interactions. 

It offers a wide range of features , including lead capture and tracking, contact management, opportunity tracking, email marketing, scheduling meetings with calendar integration , automated email follow-ups , easily create proposals from your inbox , it also provides an option to log calls directly from the app as well as view profiles of potential leads before reaching out to them.

Picture from Wikipedia

8. SalesforceIQ- SalesforceIQ is a CRM tool that helps small businesses manage their sales pipeline and track customer interactions. 

It offers a wide range of features, including lead capture and tracking, contact management, opportunity tracking, email marketing, scheduling meetings with calendar integration , automated email follow-up, etc.

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Himangi Lohar

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